
Our Test Kits are marketed to Siberian breeders only.  We have tested cats from many breeds, but only found substantial changes in Siberians.  About half of Siberians have allergen levels lower than normal, but a few have levels low enough for homes with severe allergies. This is the only known method for testing Fel d1 levels in kittens.   Siberian catteries currently offering Fel-d1 testing of kittens, and who have tested kittens within the prior year are licensed to use the copyrighted allergen charts and materials from our website.  Our methods for testing allergen levels in fur and saliva are matched to our allergen charts. Results from other testing techniques will not match our allergen charts, as different test methods yield different results. 

Our Allergen page will help you know if a Siberian would be a good fit for your family. Even low Fel d1 Siberians can cause severe allergic reactions in individuals with complex allergies.  Kittens in a single litters may vary from very low to full normal.  If you are going to purchase a kitten, pick up in person whenever possible. Spend a brief amount of time holding the kitten, burying your face in the fur.  If you react within an hour, do not purchase the kitten.  Each year we work with many families who have been enforced to return their kitten - Or give it away as the cattery refused to accept refunds.  It is heartbreaking for all involved…

Siberian catteries licensed to offer tested kittens are listed below.  Kitten buyers in the process of purchasing a tested kitten are always welcome to Email us for verification of test results. Prices, warranties and refunds vary between these catteries. When selecting a cattery, ask about required deposits and refund policies.  We recommend asking for a fur sample from a known tested low-allergen adult cat prior to purchase.  Do not buy a tested kittens unless the cattery offers a minimum 30 days refund.  Most of these catteries multiple litters each year, and sell the rest untested.  

The following Siberian catteries are licensed to use our allergen charts and test methods.

Angara Siberians ~ Boston MA             

Lundberg Siberians ~ Stayton, OR          

Loveable Siberians ~ Black River, NY      

Rozhenitsa & Siberian Love~ Roseburg, OR  

Stillwater Siberians ~ Beaverton, OR

Sullivan Siberians ~ Garden Valley, ID 

Silky Whiskers ~ Arlington, TX

Sibericat Siberians ~ Port Hope, ON.  Canada & US 

Gypsy Siberians ~ St Augustine, FL         (Buyer-paid testing of single kittens)

Sunflower Siberians ~ St Augustine, FL   (Buyer-paid testing of single kittens)


Pet Scams

Many Siberian breeders say Siberians are all low allergen, or that all their kittens are low allergen. Of more concern is a sharp increase in scams regarding Siberians in the past few years. These range from simple use of copyrighted data, use of unverified tests, and outright fraud and theft of deposits. Many of these are Eastern European Scammers who mimic or duplicate US and Canada websites to steal customer kitten deposits.  These sites do not provide their address - or the address does not match state records. Before working with any cattery - verify the physical address matches the address on file with Google and the State Business Registry. Use a safe transaction such as PayPal business transactions.   Speak to your bank before sending funds to an unknown phone number.

These are a few examples of Scam Sites that steal customer funds. - Magestic Siberians - scam - Kitty SPTY LTD - scam - MoonLights Siberians - scam - Siberian Dream Kittens - scam - Exact Match Siberians - scam - Blu Sky Siberians - scam

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